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How do Factories Produce Crackers and Biscuits

Crackers are a beloved snack enjoyed by people of all ages around the world. But have you ever wondered how these crackers are made on a large scale? In this blog, we will study how the factory make crackers.

5 Steps for Making Crackers in a Factory

  1. Ingredient Selection and Mixing: Generally, the main ingredients of crackers include flour, water, oil, salt and other seasonings. In the factory, large mixers mix the ingredients until smooth.
  2. Dough Forming and Cutting: After the ingredients are well mixed, the dough is formed. The dough is then cut into chunks and put into a noodle press and rolled several times to form thin sheets.
  3. Crackers Forming: The dough sheet is conveyed to the biscuit forming part, and through the pressing and cutting of the mold, the pattern of the mold will be formed into a biscuit pattern. Cracker biscuits are consistent size.
  4. Baking: The formed crackers embryos enter the oven through the conveyor belt for baking. Professional baking ovens with controlled temperature, humidity and air circulation. This ensures that the crackers bake evenly and achieve the desired crispness and color.
  5. Cooling and Packaging: The temperature of the crackers biscuits after baking is relatively high, and the temperature of the biscuits is cooled by a certain length of conveyor belt. The biscuits can then be packaged into bags or boxes.
Crackers Production in Factory

Advantages of Using Cracker Machine

The fully automatic cracker making machine includes the steps of dough mixing machine, forming machine, baking oven, cooling line and packaging machine, which help factories produce biscuits with high output and consistent quality. If you are interested in our company machines, please contact us. 
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